If you are a nanny or employ a nanny, you have surely thought about how this pandemic, and mandated lock-down will affect employment status.
Perfect Nanny Match has been fielding questions all week attempting to help our clients and the nannies we work with find answers. We are not lawyers, nor CPA's, and have a limited understanding of all these new laws/rules.
Therefore, we have procured a list of resources and hope that you will educate yourselves to make the best decisions for your situation.
Perfect Nanny Match is committed to staying in business for as long as we can to help the families and nannies who are affected the most in these trying times.
Please reach out if you need anything!
General department of labor website that aggregates all of their specific information: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/pandemic
Employee paid leave rights under the new law: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/pandemic/ffcra-employee-paid-leave
Employer requirements under the new law: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/pandemic/ffcra-employer-paid-leave
FAQ: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/pandemic/ffcra-questions
Consider paying legally in case your nanny files for unemployment: https://info.homeworksolutions.com/blog/is-now-the-right-time-to-put-your-nanny-or-caregiver-on-the-books
Great video on the new sick leave law (FMLA). If you or your nanny family get sick, you could qualify for 80 hours of paid leave time. Check out the video for an easy, simple explanation! https://youtu.be/iNaXmmmKxwY-
this article is about nannies too, even though the link says senior caregiver tps://info.homeworksolutions.com/blog/nanny-coronavirus-covid-19-senior-caregiver